What exactly does that mean? It’s almost an oxymoron, and brings to mind terrible images under the heading ‘designed by committee’.
Is design a personal process or is it best developed from more than one vantage point, making use of different disciplines?
My experience is that great design does not happen in a vacuum. Occasionally, I’ve scored with an original concept that I’ve conjured up somewhere between my subconscious and my sketch pad, but there has to be a seed, a germ of an idea that started the process.
In most of my dealings, I’m designing and/or building pieces of furniture or cabinetry that someone else is going to be using, probably for a very long time. I want their input; in fact, I want their participation throughout the design development phase (which can include the prototype, by the way), because this is their baby as much as it is mine. Likewise, if there’s a third party involved, an architect or interior designer, they’re part of the ‘steering committee’ as well.
For the best shot at creating a successful product, everyone involved needs to be a partner without dominating the process…which is no small feat.
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